TEL: 028 71364080
Swedish massage uses softer strokes on the bonier and more delicate parts of the body, and stronger strokes where there is thicker muscle coverage. This sensitivity to pressure makes it ideal for relaxation. The term "Swedish Massage" refers to a variety of techniques specifically designed to relax muscles by applying pressure to them against deeper muscles and bones, and rubbing in the same direction as the flow of blood returning to the heart. The main purpose of Swedish massage is to increase the oxygen flow in the blood and release toxins from the muscles. Swedish Massage also stimulates the skin and nervous system and soothes the nerves themselves at the same time. It reduces stress, both emotional and physical, and is suggested in a regular program for stress management. It also has many specific medical uses. Swedish massage feels good, is relaxing and invigorating. It affects the nerves, muscles, glands, and circulation, while promoting health and well being.
Back, Neck & Shoulders - 40 mins £30
Holistic Half Body - 1 hour £40
Full Body -1 hour 30 mins £55

Relaxing Massage
A soft, relaxing massage using Swedish massage techniques. Perfect for those who just want to relax!
Back, Neck & Shoulders - 40 mins £30
Holistic Half Body - 1 hour £40
Full Body -1 hour 30 mins £55

Aromatherapy Massage
This form of massage incorporates the use of essential oils which promote self healing and rejuvenation. When the body is in a relaxed state, the inhalation of the oils transmits to the limbic system (the system which controls emotions, the nervous system and hormones) and this affects the heart rate, stress levels, blood pressure, breathing, the digestive system etc.
The doTERRA Emotional Aromatherapy System is a revolutionary organisation of aromatic plant families around a continuum of emotion for a simple, profound approach to using fragrant essential oils in emotional aromatherapy applications.
Each delicate blend containe CPTG essential oils to help balance and brighten your changing moods. Just a few drops of these naturally complex, fragrant blends can elicit profound emotional responses to help you let go of burdens, find comfort and encouragement, or inspire you to dream with passion again.
Back, Neck & Shoulders - 40 mins £35
Half body Massage - 1 hour £45
Full Body Massage - 1 hour 30 mins £62

Sports & Remedial Massage
A variety of techniques are used to treat muscle tension, various injuries and certain conditions. This massage can be quite deep and is applied to specific problem areas of the body. It is also used by sports participants both pre and post event to prepare the muscles for competition and for recovery, and as part of a training programme, enabling better and quicker recovery between sessions, more training at a higher level and the reduced likelihood of injuries occurring.
45 mins - £40
60 mins - £45
75 mins - £57
90 mins - £67

Hot Stones Massage
This is an ancient Eastern form of massage and consists of black basalt lava stones being heated, placed, and massaged onto the body for deep stimulation, a high level of relaxation and balancing of emotional, mental and physical energies.
Half Body Hot Stone Massage - £45
Full Body Hot Stone Massage - £65
For more information on our Hot Stone Indulgence Package, check out our

Indian Head Massage
This treatment can be performed whilst you are seated upright and fully clothed but for best results and your total relaxation we would recommend that you lie down for the treatment (usually oil is used on the back and head so ensure that you are not rushing off to an important appointment afterwards!)
Indian Head Massage is a treatment based on old Ayurvedic techniques involving work on the upper back, shoulders, neck, scalp and face. A variety of massage movements are used to relieve accumulated tension, stimulate circulation and restore joint movement. IHM is also used to aid the condition and health of the hair, particularly when combined with the use of natural organic oils. Indian Head Massage is used help reduce stress and fatigue, increase mental clarity, and relax and rejuvenate the receiver.
Indian head massage helps increase joint mobility and flexibility in the neck and shoulders, improves blood circulation and lymphatic flow, frees knots of muscular tension, relaxes connective tissue, and aids in the elimination of accumulated toxins and waste products. It is particularly good for reducing the effects of stress and tension.
1 hour massage - £40

Traditional Thai Massage
Traditional Thai Massage is a Heritage therapy delivered on a floor mat with clothes on. It combines the benefit of Indian yoga and Chinese acupressure points, enhancing the flow of energy, improving circulation, flexibility and restores balance to the body!
100mins - £80

Holistic healing centre
Swedish Massage
Reception Opening Hours
Monday 9am - 4pm
Tuesday 9am - 6pm
Wednesday 9am - 6pm
Thursday 9am - 6pm
Friday 9am - 3pm
Saturday 9am - 3pm

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