Pregnancy Treatments
Holistic therapies make a world of difference during pregnancy, and here at the Gatelodge, each of our experienced therapists are fully trained and insured in adapting the treatments on offer for Pregnancy.
Treatments during pregnancy can help reduce stress and relieve muscle tension caused during the changes happening in your body during pregnancy. As recommended by your GP, treatments can be enjoyed throughout your pregnancy usually from 12 weeks onwards, and especially during the 2nd and 3rd trimesters they can help support your body as it undergoes the various stresses and strains that can develop during pregnancy.
In terms of relieving tension and helping to relax muscles to make the physicality of pregnancy easier, treatments like Swedish Massage and Reflexology are perfect for easing the tension naturally, as well as working on your pressure points to alleviate any stress and tension for as long as possible. This in turn has a great effect on the emotional state of both mother and baby.
Studies have shown that the hormone levels associated with relaxation and stress are significantly altered when treatments (especially Swedish Massage and Reflexology) are introduced to women’s prenatal care; stress hormones like norepinephrine and cortisol significantly reduce, and the ‘happy hormones’ dopamine and serotonin levels increase. The results when these hormone levels change lead to a calm, serene pregnancy, and also can reduce the risk of complications during the birth.
All treatments are fully adaptable for pregnancy, and at no extra charge!
Expectant mothers must be over the 12 week mark in their pregnancy before coming for treatments.

Pregnancy Massage
During pregnancy, Swedish Massage is the recommended technique because it addresses many of the common discomforts associated with pregnancy, for example the changes in the body (both skeletal and circulatory) as it adapts to the pregnancy. These changes are brought on by the different hormone shifts that take place during this adaptation, for example, the higher level of female hormones (including oestrogen, progesterone and relaxin) allow for the changes in the uterus and breasts, as well as enabling the muscles of the uterus to relax to make room for the growing baby.
The comfort level of the expectant mum is of huge importance and so what position you would be lying in depends on a few things: the treatment you are receiving, how far along your pregnancy is, how big your bump is, and how comfortable you will be (both physically and emotionally). For massage, most therapists think the best positioning is side-lying, with a cushion beneath the bump to relieve any pressure. We also have a massage chair which would enable you to sit during the massage, gently leaning forward whilst resting your head on the attached head rest. Usually the most comfortable position is lying on the back with the recline of the massage bed adjusted to where you are most comfortable.
Back, Neck & Shoulders - 40 mins - £30
Back, Neck Shoulders, Arms, Hands, Head & Face Massage - 1 hour - £40

Pregnancy Reflexology
Reflexology is a natural, non-invasive healing art that uses pressure points on the feet and hands to balance out other parts of the body; this brief introduction into Reflexology is the main reason it is so good for Pregnancy - even though only the feet and/or hands are worked upon, the whole body receives the benefits from the treatment.
It aims to alleviate tensions and promote relaxation and can be beneficial for pregnancy - or indeed, couples trying for a baby.
Reflexology -1 hour - £40

TEL: 028 71364080
Holistic healing centre

Mum to Be Package
Before Baby arrives, why not treat yourself, or an expectant mother, to a luxurious, well deserved treatment?
Our Mum to Be Package includes:
Neck and Shoulder massage
Finishing with a relaxing Reflexology treatment
Each of these treatments have individually been proven to beneficial and nurturing to expectant mothers, and the combination of these treatments provide a total state of relaxation which ensures to leave you feeling truly pampered and enhances your well-being at this time. Experience has shown that it may be difficult for some mum to be's, in the very late stages of pregnancy, to lie for 2 hours. So don't leave it too late!
Mum to Be Package — 2 hours — consultation included — £75

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Reception Opening Hours
Monday 9am - 4pm
Tuesday 9am - 6pm
Wednesday 9am - 6pm
Thursday 9am - 6pm
Friday 9am - 3pm
Saturday 9am - 3pm